Page name: Pumpkin Castle [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-25 01:36:13
Last author: Shatureel
Owner: Shatureel
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Welcome to the humble
Pumpkin Castle


Here reside the the happy resisdents of Pumpkin Land.
Yes. You got it right. Everybody in Pumpkin Land lives here.
There is no Pumpkin Town!

If you want to be one of the residents here. Feel free to send a messege and comment to Chancellor, [Shatureel].

The Pumpkin Castle and all Pumpkin Land need users to participate (if they can) and be served and to share happy things in life.
After all, this is Pumpkin Land!!!

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2005-12-30 [DRACE]: *... speaks in a deep and steady voice, he speaks the words, 'But the angels who kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgement of the great day.'

2005-12-30 [former user#5]: O_o

2005-12-30 [former user#4]: *stand beside [DRACE] and marks the spot* hehehe =^.^=

2005-12-30 [devilock]: *looks outside the window* that's the king with Midnight! where is he going?

2005-12-30 [former user#4]: *looks outside* HE GOT A HORSE?????

2005-12-31 [devilock]: a castle without a king. *cries* i am sorry to say that the king just passed away. let's just pray that he is happy now. he'll surely miss his kingdom. for those of you who want to give their prayers to him just visit JON

2005-12-31 [devilock]: "live life!" that's what he used to say

2005-12-31 [former user#4]: *cries* now you can be a guitar god in heaven! rest in peace

2005-12-31 [devilock]: he will always be a guitar god! \m/

2005-12-31 [honey bunny]: 8sits stareing at the wall rocking back and forth as a tear slips down her can not be*

2005-12-31 [former user#4]: unfortunately, things happens in a strange way. there was their opportunity to stardom. life is so cruel most of the times

2006-01-01 [DRACE]: okay, do u know whats realy freaky and realy worrying (sorry to sa it) but before this happened to our king, I put that verse from the bible up

2006-01-01 [former user#4]: a kingdom without a king is not a kingdom at all. a king without a king can't be a complete king at all. but at least we all can move on and enjoy life as we want to.

2006-01-01 [devilock]: i dont know if i still have the rights to present myself in this place after causing this "unconfirmed " news. i was terrorized by the shoutings and the voice saying that he was dead the hung up. i dont know what to do. noone know where he was heading... not even his brother knew it.

2006-01-01 [former user#4]: i'll think of the same thing if was in your place. it's ok. everybody makes mistakes. *looks around*

2006-01-01 [honey bunny]: *looks around a secret smile on her face...welcome back*

2006-01-02 [DRACE]: ... Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden ... those who once were lost, shall find their place with kings of old ...

2006-01-02 [devilock]: i thought we lost our king. sorry if i ..... i'm really sorry.

2006-01-02 [DRACE]: okay okay okay, thats put done it, I'm realy confused now >.<

2006-01-02 [former user#5]: he is okay now. he had a big fight between life and death. i was scared to see him in that condition and i thought he was already gone. hope abandoned me. but when i [former user#4] told me taht he talked to [pumpkin king] at , i was surprised. it was his bandmate who was using the account. he said that he was okay and resting. but.....

2006-01-02 [former user#4]: hey! what are Elfpackers for?

2006-01-03 [DRACE]: o.o

2006-01-08 [former user#5]:

2nd Editiod of the Pumpkin Land's Treasure Hunt will start soon. please let your friends know about this event. there will be certain changes on the rules. so, better check that out

2006-01-08 [Morningstar Rising]: Cool.

2006-01-10 [DRACE]: (>..<>) (<>..<>) (<>..<)

2006-01-12 [honey bunny]: Hey bro you gonna team up with me for the treasure hunt???

2006-01-12 [pumpkin king]: ......

2006-01-12 [devilock]: i wanna join too

2006-01-12 [DRACE]: o.o who u talking too [honey bunny]? o.O

2006-01-12 [pumpkin king]: to the royal guard

2006-01-13 [DRACE]: oh okay...

2006-01-13 [former user#4]: you're his brother my Queen???

2006-01-13 [honey bunny]: no he is the kings brother

2006-01-14 [DRACE]: eh its not fair... I ish confused again, who is who's brother ? o.O

2006-01-14 [honey bunny]: [Souichirou Nagiā„¢: ] is [pumpkin king]s brother

2006-01-14 [former user#4]: Oh...

2006-01-16 [RIFT KEEPER]: within lays the power to destroy what we love most...

2006-01-16 [kittykittykitty]: well that's nice to see you are getting into the treasure-hunting spirit ^_^

2006-01-16 [DRACE]: go go, blow a goat... o.o I mean, go go, row a boat... ~_~

2006-01-16 [former user#4]: join the next hunt cat!

2006-01-17 [honey bunny]: [DRACE} you are to much,  ROFL

2006-01-17 [DRACE]: she I know, i am to much a fucking waste of space

2006-01-17 [DRACE]: bye all

2006-01-17 [devilock]: not true! *lauches tentacles and wraps [DRACE]'s leg*

2006-01-18 [RIFT KEEPER]: *sits in the shadows and watchs everyone, walking around and doing their pointless things, when all it takes is a singel hit or stab to one of their main organs and down they go...*

2006-01-18 [DRACE]: *looks back at [devilock], pulls one oh her tenticles up and bites it... and recieves a mouth full of slime* >.<

2006-01-18 [former user#5]: eeewwwww...... is it juicy?

2006-01-18 [devilock]: *walks toward Midnight and hug him* i happy to see you back here in the castle.... and same time....

2006-01-19 [honey bunny]: I am sorry my pumpkin family but I have to leave here..may you all have fun and happiness here

2006-01-19 [DRACE]: *gets rid of all the slime...*

2006-01-19 [former user#4]: *cries*

2006-01-19 [DRACE]: o.o

2006-01-19 [honey bunny]: [Souihirou Nagi] has asked that i stay...

2006-01-19 [DRACE]: so u should

2006-01-19 [honey bunny]: thank you..

2006-02-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi =]

2006-02-02 [DRACE]: mmm

2006-02-02 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: innit

2006-02-09 [former user#2]: THE KING WILL ALWAYS BE THE [pumpkin king]!!!

2006-02-09 [RIFT KEEPER]: there hasn't been much said here, whats wrong, can't think of anything to say people... huh?  Jon wouldn't have wanted this, so liven up people, be cheery, annoy one another, start fights, play with each other and for the Holy Cods' sake, would you all please talk more

2006-02-09 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *hugs* HIIIIIIIIIIIII how be-eth thee? WHAZZZZUP? as the guys say. um yeah! im at school, how boring, there are NO pumpkins WHATSOEVER!

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: *slivers out of his pillow pile, goes over to [Sexual;Spasm___x]'s pillow pile, moves the pillows aside and hugs [Sexual;Spasm___x], then runs and dives back into his pillow pile*... wow, now thats alot of pillow talk o.O

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *runs and jumps on top of [DRACE]'s pillow pile trying to squish him*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: O.O *squeals and slivers through his pillow pile to get away*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *chases after [DRACE]*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: O.O digs deeper into his pillow pile... hits the ground under the pile and starts digging into the ground and finds a cave... he falls from the roof and lands on his head near the buttom*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *follows him and lands on top of him and then licks his cheek*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: *gets a cold shiver though his spine... leans up and licks [Firenze] back...* :p licky, licky

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *pokes and then kisses cheek*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: o.o *hugs [Firenze]*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *smiles like a little angel*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: HA, your no angel... lol *grins*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: I'm not? In that case *licks your cheek and kisses you on the lips*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: *blushes bright red*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *grins* Now am I an Angel?

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: eh... yer maybe *is still bluching and has a big smile*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *[Firenze]'s dragon quietly sneaks up behind [DRACE] and nips his arse and I burst out with laughter*

2006-02-10 [DRACE]: *yelps and hits [Firenze]'s dragon's snout with his club*

2006-02-10 [Firenze]: *[Firenze]'s dragon wriggles its nose and then snorts two fire balls at [DRACE]*

2006-02-10 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *eats worms, watching from sidelines.* this is interesting

2006-02-11 [DRACE]: *smells burning fur* o.O *stops, drops and rolls...*

2006-02-11 [Firenze]: *giggles and then throws a bucket of ice cold water over him*

2006-02-11 [DRACE]: O.O *curls up into a ball to warm up*

2006-02-11 [Firenze]: *takes off my big fur coat and wraps it around him*

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: *grins, snuggles up in the coat... smirks... picks up the coat off the ground and runs away into a small cave, with the fur coat*

2006-02-12 [honey bunny]: this is what we meant *looks at hard head shaking her haid sadly*

2006-02-12 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: urmyness.......................

2006-02-12 [Firenze]: Oh get back here with my fur coat [DRACE] !! *chases after him*

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: *wonders how he can be chased into a cave that just fits him... in his chibby winged wolf form* o.O *suddenly sneezes and the cave gets realy big, like an air bubble moving through the water* O.O

2006-02-12 [Firenze]: Give me back my coat or I will have to lick ya again

2006-02-12 [DRACE]: *grins naughtily, turns to u, pulls his pants down and says, 'Lick me right here', pionts to his peaker*

2006-02-12 [Firenze]: way!! Have a boyfriend ya know!

2006-02-13 [former user#2]: reeeally?!?! well, love him a lot and you'll find a lot of wonders loving him. ;) *looks at the Queen* why are you sad, my Queen?

2006-02-13 [DRACE]: eh... well ummm... *zips up and hands u your coat back, then walks out, looks up at [former user#2] and bites it;s left leg violently*

2006-02-13 [former user#2]: *looks at [DRACE] then grins* hehehe that's a wooden leg, sir. you can keep it, i have a spare of it.

2006-02-13 [Firenze]: Thank you [DRACE]

2006-02-14 [DRACE]: *growls... walks to [former user#2]s other leg and dropa a great big terd right on it, then runs away*

2006-02-14 [Firenze]: *flys after [DRACE] on my dragon*

2006-02-14 [DRACE]: *bends over and shakes his butt at [Firenze], mocking her, then running down a small crevours where he can't be chassed after*

2006-02-14 [Firenze]: *makes her dragon breathe fire into the crevours so it will burn him*

2006-02-14 [DRACE]: o.O *smells burning hair, looks at his back and jumps up out of the crevours*

2006-02-14 [Firenze]: *swoops down and the dragon grabs him in its claws* Hello again [DRACE]

2006-02-14 [DRACE]: *whimpers, cause the dragon has him in such away that he can't releases his wings, to fly away*

2006-02-14 [Firenze]: Do you know what [DRACE] I am gonna clip those wings of yours *winks*

2006-02-14 [RIFT KEEPER]: now now children, behave, *opens a rift next to [Firenze]'s dragons foot, which suck [DRACE] into it, then shuts on itself...*

2006-02-14 [RIFT KEEPER]: *opens the pift next to him and catchs [DRACE] as he gets flung out of the rift just before it shuts*

2006-02-14 [RIFT KEEPER]: I would just like to take some of your time, my next message is what I am meaning

2006-02-14 [RIFT KEEPER]: chop 'im off at the knees and call 'im stumpy

2006-02-15 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hi....yeah thats confusing...

2006-02-16 [DRACE]: yer I know what u mean o.O

2006-02-16 [RIFT KEEPER]: its easy when your insane

2006-02-16 [former user#2]: i agree! it's a lot easier when you're insane!!! @_@

2006-02-16 [devilock]: i am going through it right now but it isn't easy at all. how have averybody been?

2006-02-16 [former user#2]: Welcome back, Countess.

2006-02-17 [DRACE]: it shant take long for the kingdom to fall without its king or one to take his place...

2006-02-17 [former user#2]: does anybody want to take his place?

2006-02-17 [RIFT KEEPER]: I would like to... is still okay to torture people, put them on the rack and wiping them? - oh how I miss the screams

2006-02-17 [former user#2]: better ask the Queen.

2006-02-17 [former user#2]:


2006-02-17 [former user#4]: i think there's nobody who can replace the creator of this kingdom

2006-02-17 [former user#2]: *whistles up while walking around [former user#4]* are you sure?

2006-02-19 [DRACE]: well your doing such a good job of being a fucking ass kisser [former user#2], y don't you try for it

2006-02-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: i think rift keeper shud coz he is the only other person who wanted it, other than ball head here

2006-02-20 [former user#2]: i prefer to be called an ass kicker!

2006-02-20 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: no way

2006-02-20 [DRACE]: heh, could of fooled me ass licker, whoops, I mean 'ASS KISSER'

2006-02-20 [DRACE]: as for Riff, he has a job on a farm near me, but he may not be back for upwards of a month, but anything u wish me to tell him, I shall pass it on

2006-02-20 [former user#2]: that's ASS KICKER!!!

2006-02-20 [former user#4]: hehe. ASS KICKER or ASS KISSER..... you're stil an ASS....

2006-02-20 [devilock]: no he's not!!! he's trying to keep this place alive.... of course with the help of you guys and ladies!

2006-02-21 [DRACE]: heh, I still think his an ass licking, ass kissing ass hole, but hey, thats what I think anyways, *grins innocently*

2006-02-21 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: and i personally agree with yew! =] and this place is alive, we are all alive arnt we? this place stil has people, tist alive!!!!!!!! penis pimple! (ok i have an obsession) penis pickle willy drible!

2006-02-21 [former user#2]: O_o

2006-02-21 [former user#4]: ass holes!

2006-02-21 [former user#5]: *stands in fthe middle of the castle hall* will everybody just behave and act like nobles here? shame on all of you. the queen can't go back here because of all the ruckus and disorder. our Chancellor can't be here for certain (personal) reason. we need each other's cooperations to make this the best wiki page ever. no more dreaming of who will take over the castle and the whole kingdom. NOBODY have the right to take over. [former user#2], thanks for continuing the treasure hunt. [DRACE] thanks for being the same old weird but funny guy here. the rest of you thank you for always being present here. as for the other "nobles" that are not around, they might get some punishment or more

2006-02-22 [DRACE]: o.o ummm, thanks, but I was realy meanig it, [former user#2] is an ass licking, ass sucking, ass loving blow hole

2006-02-22 [DRACE]: what can I say... hmmm, oh I know... I REALY DON'T LIKE U [former user#2]

2006-02-22 [former user#2]: well, you must start liking me, Dear [DRACE]. ^_^

2006-02-22 [devilock]: now, now guys. no figths.

2006-02-22 [Firenze]: I agree with [DRACE] you is a major suck up :P

2006-02-22 [kittykittykitty]: I agree with [former user#5].. when I have come to the page the past few times I have never known what to say: there is always a full-blown argument going on! Please keep it to private messages, so that we can have fun talking here!

2006-02-22 [Firenze]: I never and [DRACE] just muck around and it is all good fun in the end and funny to read

2006-02-23 [DRACE]: yes... and at the end of our playing, I have to remove the burnt hairs from my tail and back... >.<

2006-02-23 [DRACE]: besides [kittykittykitty] whats wrong, just cause u can't understand whats going on, awe poor baby, just ignore it, thats the easiest thing u can do or just get me blocked from this thing, heck either way, I am a relucktent arse hole, i do not give up easily

2006-02-23 [DRACE]: *opens up a container of catnip and gives it to [kittykittykitty]*

2006-02-23 [former user#2]: nobody is gonna get blocked or kick out or whatever. (see prvious comments by the everything from the beginning. even the flying dragon stunts with [DRACE] and Firenze])

2006-02-23 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: good coz if yew blok me ill just BE HERE ANYWAY i dont know how but i will haunt yew in this wiki, and by the way wikis are for fun, and even tho pumpkin king is dead doesnt mean that we cant have fun still, yno

2006-02-24 [kittykittykitty]: mmmmn catnip *purrrs* =^_^=

2006-02-24 [RIFT KEEPER]: gwad how I have missed being here

2006-02-24 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: hiiiiiiiiya

2006-02-24 [honey bunny]: *watches wondering where it all went wrong*

2006-02-24 [former user#2]: one missing person doesn't mean that things will go wrong. we need EVRYBODY's support (that includes the absentees-> they know who they are) *walks toward the Chancellor's Chamber to ask for advices*

2006-02-24 [devilock]: *taps the queen's back* i can't find it either. they're just having too much fun that getting out of hand.

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: Yeah but me and [DRACE] always fight *grins*

2006-02-24 [devilock]: just don't let your hand slip when you lift sweet [DRACE]Y up in the sky with your dragon *grins*

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: Oh no I will have to let my dragon lick him first

2006-02-24 [devilock]: eeewwww.... with all those slime??? O_o poor dragon :(

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: Well, he likes the taste of [DRACE] for some reason...

2006-02-24 [devilock]: *concentrates and makes killer bees appears before [DRACE]* ^_^ let's try if my killer bees likes him too!

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: *sighs* Poor [DRACE]

2006-02-24 [devilock]: ^_^ *taps [Firenze]'s back with tentacles* look they like him. see how chubby [DRACE] became?

2006-02-24 [former user#4]: *pokes [devilock]* you're so soffice... like a squid *pokes tentacles*

2006-02-24 [Firenze]: I liked him better slim

2006-02-24 [wurm]: another kingdom? i would like to talk to your king

2006-02-24 [former user#5]: *blocks the castle's door* nobody can talk to the king. but you can talk to everybody else. WELCOME TO OUR HUMBLE CASTLE, [wurm] *bows*

2006-02-26 [honey bunny]: *sighs and walks outside and down the path away from the castle*

2006-02-26 [devilock]: *runs after the Queen*

2006-02-27 [DRACE]: what u mean how chubby I became [devilock] I've always been a fat idiot - *puts a big bug zapper suit on over his trench coat, plugs it into a portible power pack on his back and walks outside and into the forest for some alone time*

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: is ANYONE (everyone) on there period here?? coz thats just weird. heh. [<3]

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *hits [Sexual;Spasm___x] left leg with his massive hammer and breaks the leg, then stabs [Sexual;Spasm___x] repeatibly in the gut so it will die painfuly, then walks away*

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *pounces [RIFT KEEPER] and stabs him in the PENIS* haha!

2006-02-28 [Firenze]: *flys beside [RIFT KEEPER] and pokes him repeatedly with my lance*

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: pokey poke

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *goes to the toilet and wonders why he is peeing out of 2 holes*

2006-02-28 [Firenze]: *laughs*

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *watches yew pee* ok why am i? ewwww *runs away screaming*

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: *throws a freesibee after EmO*

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: *catches in mouth* am i a dog now? ok dont answer that

2006-02-28 [RIFT KEEPER]: heh to late... who said you were human anyway

2006-02-28 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: um....i dunno

2006-02-28 [former user#2]: @_@

2006-02-28 [former user#4]: .... i don't know either. *grabs [former user#2] by his wodden leg and took it off of him* who wanna play bat?

2006-03-01 [RIFT KEEPER]: so [former user#2] why haen't you answered my message, hmmm? - is it because I am right, don't worry, I will not tell anyone if I am right

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: talk yew ball head! and f yew take that as offence, change teh name! and um HI

2006-03-01 [former user#2]: hello! i haven't change name or whatever. i am me!

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: a ball head?

2006-03-01 [former user#2]: HAHA!

2006-03-01 [DRACE]: a dick head too

2006-03-01 [Sexual;Spasm___x]: yup! and why are yew laffing? yew ARE a ball head

2006-03-02 [former user#2]: i'm tying to be sarcastic. as in HA- HA! by the way, i'm not just a ball head. i am a [former user#2], kid! :P

2006-03-02 [devilock]: now, now. this is not how to treat the king's brother. he may not be as friendly like the king and not lazy like the royal guard but he is still one of the member here. be friendly people, okay?

2006-03-02 [former user#2]: HEY! i don't want to be known as my the king's bro *cries* i wanna be known as me. and YES! i am a ball head and not as friendly like him. get it, J?

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: peh, Jon wasn't that friendly ~_~

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: oh well that is life *pounces on [DRACE]* Hello

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: *looks up at [Firenze] and smiles* hi, how r ya... do u mind getting off me, your knee is rather close to me jewels

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: *smiles and climbs down* I am fine and you?

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: I am in a extra happy mood, u kow what I mean by that ^_~

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: Yes I do and you must keep that else where ^_^

2006-03-02 [DRACE]: I know, like on fake... *grins*

2006-03-02 [Firenze]: Indeed *pokes*

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